
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It details the steps that  has taken - and is continuing to take - to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.

Blaze of Glory Limited takes a zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery in its company or its supply chain and aims to consistently act with the utmost of integrity in its business relationships and across its stakeholder base.

Our Business

Blaze of Glory is a high-growth, online nutrition brand, on a mission to establish itself as a major player across global markets. It sources, produces and retails its products across the globe and puts product quality at the heart of everything it does.

Supplier relationships are integral to that and Blaze of Glory aims to ensure it only engages with suppliers that operate to a high level of quality and ethical standards.

Our Policies

Blaze of Glory operates a number of policies aimed at identifying different types of exploitation such as human trafficking, forced labour, servitude and child labour.

It conducts eligibility and right to work checks as part of the recruitment and on-boarding processes for new employees. Included in the employee handbook are policies on health and safety, diversity, grievance procedures and whistle blowing.

During 2024 Blaze of Glory updated its whistleblowing policies with the aim of making the process simple and accessible for all teammates and temporary staff.


Blaze of Glory is continually looking to improve its training program for employees, to ensure that they are aware of key risks in the business and its supply chain. Employees attend a mandatory annual training session on topics of modern slavery, how to prevent it and what the whistleblowing process is. 

Our Suppliers

Blaze of Glory works with only a small number of suppliers in its supply chain due to the specificity of its products and the quality standards in its product formulations. As a result, long term partnerships are formed and Blaze of Glory has gained a strong understanding of suppliers’ business practices.

In 2026, Blaze of Glory will begin a rolling program of assessing and auditing the higher risk areas/suppliers of the supply chain where any form of modern slavery could be taking place, put in a system to monitor these areas and a process to protect whistleblowers.

Blaze of Glory has recently updated its supplier terms and conditions and also rolled out a code of conduct with which suppliers must adhere to which sets out key commitments in supply chain practices and ethical code .

Next Steps

Blaze of Glory recognises the need to revisit the steps identified in this statement. It will review and amend these actions where necessary as it continues its program of work to ensure that its supply chain operates ethically and with a continuous improvement plan to combat human trafficking, forced labour, servitude and child labour.

Updated 10 January 2025